Today, BiH is regularly presented on fairs of world and international significance, through its philatelic issues and it as won many awards and recognitions:
BiH was granted an Award for Publishing Project in Philately, at Cologne Philatelic Fair in 1995;
Silver Medal at International Competition in Croatia in 1997.
International Competition in 2000, Asiago, Italy – with 80 countries competing, the commemorative postage stamp featuring Islamic School “Kursumli Madrasah in 1537“, designed by Mufid Garibija, was declared the most beautiful postage stamp on the world promoting the cultural heritage in 1999.
The jury deemed that the reference to this motive was extremely valuable, because this historic event underlines the significance of education and literacy, being essential in achieving understanding between people.
The postage stamp of BH Postal Service, featuring four religions, is displayed inSwitzerland, in Universal Postal Union’s (UPU) exhibition hall. The stamp of BH Postal Service was ranked 6th amongst contenders in postage stamps competition in 2003 and it was published in the leading world philatelic magazine, French Timbropress.
The postage stamp, designed by Sanjin Fazlić, featuring the motive and theme of “Architectural Heritage – Post in Sarajevo” (2003) was awarded the title of the most beautiful commemorative stamp at International Competition in Asiago, Italy – 2004.
First world prize received by All-China Philatelic Federation in 2004.
In 2008, at “Montenegrofila 2008” International Philatelic Exhibition, BH Postal Service’s exhibit won silver medal in the category “Modern Philately”. The exhibit included commemorative and definitive stamps issued in the period 2005 – 2007. This recognition is to be added to the myriad of awards won by philatelic issues of BH Postal Service.
At the 7th International Stamp Championship for the most beautiful postage stamp issued in 2008, in Beijing, China, BH Postal Service received award for the most beautiful stamp issued as a part of the block in 2009.
The participation in exhibitions and fairs is the best way to promote philately, both in the region and in the world. This is the best opportunity to present the multidimensionality of postage stamp to a wider audience. Save the value it has for the stamp collectors, the stamp also symbolizes the country of its origin.