PE BH POSTAL SERVICES LLC (BH Pošta d.o.o.) Sarajevo is the largest postal operator in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a wide network of post offices comprised of 386 units with 822 active counters in total, providing a full spectrum of domestic and international postal services.
Types of Postal Services
Characteristics and providers of universal postal service are defined in accordance with the Law on Posts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Law on Postal Operations of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Universal postal service represents minimum of postal service selection provided at the whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and under equal conditions for all the customers, within prescribed quality and at affordable prices.
Postal operators providing universal service at whole territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina are obliged to provide minimum package of postal services in order for all the customers to meet their needs at affordable prices and within defined quality standards.
Universal postal service comprises posting, dispatch, transportation, arrival and delivery of letter-post items weighing up to 2 kg and of parcels weighing up to 31,5 kg as well as money orders, direct mail, postal and telegraphic announcements, registered and insured items, literature for the blind weighing up to 7 kg.
All other services – courier services and hybrid mail services (not all the services belong to commercial services; „Z“ letter item belongs to reserved services according to the Price List of our services) and advertising in postal offices represent commercial services in which designated postal operators and other postal operators compete each other at the postal service market.
Universal postal service is provided every working day, at least five days in week, other than under geographic and other conditions defined as extraordinary circumstances, according to postal regulations.
The range of reserved postal services is defined within universal postal service and its provision is guaranteed, as „monopoly one“, to be provided by designated postal operators. These exclusive „monopoly“ rights guaranteed by a government bring certain responsibilities and obligations to be strictly complied with by designated postal operators and the most important things are service quality and deadlines for delivery of postal items.
Reserved postal services comprise posting, dispatch, transportation, arrival and delivery of letter-post items weighing up to 1000 g i.e. courier services in case that the rate does not exceed the value ten times higher than ordinary rate, parcel weighing up to 10 kg, as well as receipt, conveyance and payment of money orders to the addressee at the door, in classic and electronic form, i.e. direct mail as follows:
- letter-post items weighing up to 1000 g;
- printed papers, newspapers and magazines;
- parcels weighing up to 10 kg;
- postal and telegraphic money orders;
- cash payment to the addressee at the door;
- direct mail;
- courier services in case that the amount is not ten times higher than ordinary rate;
- registered and insured items regardless of their weight;
- judicial letters, letters in administrative and offence proceedings regardless of their weight.
Designated postal operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina may provide postal financial services through their postal net units.
Postal financial services provide different forms of gyro transfers and cash transfers sent or received by physical and legal entities. Based on cash turnover, the BH Post provides the customers the following financial services:
- postal money order operations
- payments
- banking service
Other services include special postal services, supplementary postal services and other postal services required by a sender or by a recipient and defined by General Conditions for provision of postal services.
Special Postal Services
Special postal services are services necessary in case that the sender requires special procedure and conditions regarding the posting, conveyance and delivery of postal items. Special postal services are universal special services defined by the Law on Postal Operations of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other special services performed by designated postal operators according to these Regulations and the Regulations on Postal and Courier Services. Special postal services are the services of posting, conveyance and delivery as follows:
- Registered letter-post item
is postal item without insured value, with registered receipt number for which the sender will get a receipt and which will be delivered to the addressee with his signature. Each letter-post item may be posted as a registered mail according to conditions and methods described by the Regulations on General Conditions for Provision of Postal Services and according to the Regulations on Postal and Courier Services. During the posting, the sender of the registered item may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery, COD, „poste restante“ and delivery to addressee in person. - Insured letter
is a letter-post item with registered receipt No. on which the sender marked its value using numbers and letters in the left bottom corner side of the addressee side of the item. The sender shall enter the amount of insured value using Latin alphabet and Arabic numbers but shall not use a lead pencil. Insured letter may contain goods, money, written communication and other articles not exceeding the amount of 10.000,00 BAM of insured value. Insured letter may be posted only if addressed to countries accepting this sort of service. During the posting procedure for insured letter, the sender may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery, COD, „poste restante“ and delivery to addressee in person. - Recorded delivery item
is a letter-post item without insured value for which the sender shall receive an advice of posting and that shall be delivered to the recipient with his signature. Recorded delivery item must have mark „A“ and a posting number on it. During the posting procedure, the sender may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery and delivery to addressee in person. - Express Mail Service (EMS)
is courier service including taking over of a postal item on the basis of a special request made by the sender (phone calling 1417 in the following cities: Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bihać, Mostar, Travnik and Goražde) at the address of the sender and delivery at the address of the recipient. The posting of EMS items in other cities is performed at counters of postal units. During the posting procedure in case of EMS item, the sender shall receive an advice of posting to be delivered in person to the recipient, within a specified period, with his signature. EMS item may contain written communication, goods, money, live animals and other articles. The insured value on EMS item must not exceed the amount of 10.000,00 BAM. - Urgent item
may be posted as any letter-post item, postal money order, telegraph money order and parcel. In case of postal items containing perishable goods, they must be posted as an urgent item. - Very urgent parcel
is the parcel forwarded to the post office of destination by the first next postal operation connection according to provisions on the postal item pipeline. Regardless of the type of parcel and its content, every parcel may be posted as a very urgent parcel. The parcel containing live animals or perishable goods must be posted as a very urgent parcel. - Item with advice on delivery
is the postal item requested by the sender, during the posting procedure, to be delivered to the recipient with written confirmation on a special form (advice on delivery), returned and delivered to the sender as an ordinary letter-post item. Every postal item accompanied by the advice on posting, except a telegraph money order, may be posted in domestic postal operations. - COD item
is a postal item which the sender, during the posting procedure, requires to be delivered to the recipient with previous payment of redemption amount in favor of the sender. While posting the COD item, the sender shall also post the fulfilled form of postal or telegraphic money order or a corresponding form of money transfer by which he shall be assigned the redemption amount to. Registered items, insured letters, EMS items and parcels may be posted as COD items, in domestic services. - Airmail
is postal item required by the sender to be posted by airplane. In international postal operations, airmail may be posted when addressed to countries accepting this type of service. . - Special care parcel
is the parcel with corresponding mark on it: „fragile“, „glass“, „live animals“, etc. This parcel needs an authorization from authorized institution or it contains live animals needing special care while handed. - „Poste restante“ item
„Poste restante“ item is the item containing mark „poste restante“ in the recipient’s address and is kept 30 days from the date of arrival in the post office of destination and is delivered to the recipient when requested by him within the mentioned period, with collection of prescribed postage amount. - Item to be delivered to the recipient in person
is the item to be delivered in person exclusively to the recipient, legal agent or authorized person. - IBRS (International Business Reply Service) item (IBRS/CCRI)
is the item (letter or postcard) without postage paid by the sender. The postage should be paid by the recipient during the take-over.
The sender requiring one or more special services is obliged to ask for them while posting.
Value-added Postal Services
Value-added and other postal services are services provided upon the sender’s or recipient’s request and they refer to posting or delivery of a postal item.
Value-added services upon the sender’s request
The sender may, upon posting and before delivery, require the following services in domestic postal operations:
- Amendment of the address on the item;
- Return of item:
– before dispatch from the post office where posting was performed,
– after dispatch from the post office where posting was performed - Charging of recorded items by COD amount, increase or decrease of COD amount or waiver from the COD amount;
- Sending or prohibition of sending of parcels to new recipient’s address of origin
- Return of the amount of postal and telegraphic money order;
- Payment of COD amount through a telegraphic money order.
Request for value-added services may be made by the sender to any post office, in written form and with paid postage defined by the Price list. The request may also be made verbally but exceptionally and only in case of item not dispatched yet from the post office. While making the request, the sender may ask for a written notice on the result of the request performance.
Value-added postal services upon the request of the recipient
The recipient may ask for the following services, before the delivery:
- delivery of “poste-restante” items at his door or at the address he had defined
- keeping of the arrived item (except the court letter and administrative procedure letter) or saved as a “poste- restante” item or sending it to the new address defined by the sender
- Delivery of item personally to the recipient
- Putting of urgent mail or advice of arrival of urgent mail into a PO box
- Putting a registered mail and a recorded delivery item into a locker without o recipient’s signature for confirmation of receipt of item. This kind of service is performed in domestic operations only, but not for COD items, items with advice of delivery and items to be delivered personally to the recipient.
- Delivery of each or certain item as an urgent one at urban delivery area
- Telegraphic money orders sent to new destination
- Re-delivery of a postal item for which the advice of arrival had been left.
The recipient may ask for value-added services in the form of written request in the post office delivering the postal items to him. While making the request, the recipient is obliged to verify his identity and to give all the data necessary for the request.
Other Postal Services
Other postal services are services performed by the postal operators upon the request or without the request made by the sender or the recipient regarding the conveyance and delivery of postal items.
Other services are:
- claim for postal items,
- issue of supplementary advice of posting of recorded postal item,
- keeping of written authorizations
- usage of PO boxes
- submission of paid money order or issue of its duplicate
- repackaging of parcels
- storage charge for postal items
- delivery and attempt of delivery of parcels
- submission of postal items for customs inspection at import and export
- submission of postal items for stamping or control to be made by an authorized body
- instructing of the recipient or the sender to submit necessary documents for customs inspection
- posting of direct mail
Customers of postal services are obliged to select the service corresponding the nature of the item content, type, and real value of the postal item as well as of significance of notice. Integrity of confidentiality is ensured for all postal items in postal operations. The principle of integrity may be receded from only in cases and under conditions defined by the law.