Parcel service includes acceptance, conveyance and delivery of parcels addressed to a certain addressee.
Parcel service, being one of the services offered by ”JP BH POŠTA“ d.o.o. Sarajevo, is intended for citizens and legal entities who wish to realize secure and high-quality sending of their goods and other various items to addressees within country and worldwide.
Below you can find more details on:
- Parcel types,
- Acceptance of parcel postal items,
- Term and standards of transportations and delivery of Parcels
- Prohibited items
All parcels in domestic postal services have to be marked with the parcel value. Based on the value of the content of a parcel, a parcel is considered a plain parcel or o registered value parcel.
As for a plain parcel, with a marked value up to 100 KM, a sender is to mark a value of a parcel in the form which is to be submitted with the parcel at a post office for conveyance.
The value marked must not be greater than the actual value of the content of the parcel.
Parcels valued above 100 KM are considered to be value parcels. Value parcels, as well as the form accompanying the parcel, must also be marked with the parcel value by the sender.
As for the international postal services, parcels can be accepted only for countries which allow international parcel service, with the maximum value limit adopted by those countries.
Parcel is a closed postal item, weight up to 31.50 kg, which can contain goods and other items. The sender receives a parcel receipt confirmation and upon the parcel delivery, the receiver’s signature has to be obtained in order to provide evidence of the delivery and receipt of the parcel.
National parcel size may not be exceed 3000 mm in the sum of its length and circumference at its widest point diagonally while maximum size may not exceed 1500 mm. Parcel cannot be smaller than the smallest prescribed letter size. The address side of a parcel cannot be less than 90 x 140 mm.
Apart from sender and receiver addresses specified, the address side of a parcel needs to have an appropriate sticker with the name of the post office which received the parcel and the postal item number. If the sticker does not contain the name of the post office the stamp of the receiving post will be impressed on the sticker. The parcel weight in kilograms and grams is inscribed on the parcel with each 10-gram portion rounded up to the nearest higher value.
Parcels must have marked values in national postal services. Parcel content values must be marked with the number and words in the bottom left corner of the address side. The value marked must be the actual value or reflect the importance of the parcel’s content to the sender, which is subject to sender’s signature on the statement on a parcel receipt confirmation.
Maximum marked value of a parcel can be up to 10.000 KM. ”JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo reserves the right to decide whether to decrease or increase the marked value of a parcel. In the international traffic a parcel can be both with or without a value marked.
Acceptance of parcel postal items
Acceptance of parcel postal items means taking over of a parcel from a postal service user at a post office or at a sender’s address if so agreed.
The following rules apply when accepting a parcel item:
If a parcel postal item in national postal traffic contains items whose acceptance at a post office requires an approval or a certificate issued by a competent state authority, institution or organization, a sender in that case must hand in such an approval along with the postal item;
Universal Postal Union customs and foreign exchange statutes and regulations shall apply to the international postal items whose dispatch is subject to customs and foreign exchange inspection. International mail items whose content is subject to customs or foreign exchange control must be handed in open along with the required forms (CN 72).
National parcel item containing live animals, fragile items, liquids, soluble stuff, parts of animal or human bodies, urns with ashes, sensitive devices, contagious stuff etc. must be submitted as separate – fragile parcel.
A parcel containing live animals or perishable items must be submitted as a very urgent parcel.
Terms and conditions for international parcel items are governed by the rules of Universal Postal Union.
Term and standards of transportations and delivery of Parcels
The deadlines and the standards of transportation and delivery of parcels mean the time the postal item is submitted at a post office to be delivered to an addressee until the actual delivery. Time of a parcel acceptance is indicated on the stamp affixed to the parcel receipt confirmation or to the parcel itself if no confirmation is being issued.
Terms of transportation and delivery have been defined for parcels in domestic postal operation system while the standards of transportation and delivery have been defined for parcels in international postal operation system.
Domestic postal operation system
“JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo is obligated to deliver parcel items in the following terms:
Parcel items submitted to be delivered to an addressee in the area of the same postal centre ( Canton):
– One workday for priority items;
– Three workdays for all other postal items;
parcel items submitted in the area of one postal centre (Canton) to be delivered in the area of another postal centre (Canton) or another postal operator (HP Mostar i PS Banja Luka):
– Two working days for priority postal items;
– Four days for all other postal items;
International postal operation system
The standards of transportation and delivery of parcels (pdf) in international postal operation system represent framework transportation time, not the warrented one. The JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo is not obliged to deliver the parcels in international postal operation system according to the standards.
The following shall be excluded from the terms mentioned above:
– Day on which a postal item is submitted;
– Delays due to the incorrect or incomplete address of the addressee;
– Delays due to force majeure or a blocked traffic for which postal operator bears no responsibility;
– Days off and days when delivery is not provided;
– Duration time of customs procedure in the country of destination
It is forbidden to dispatch parcels containing the following items:
1. Explosive and flammable items and items the acceptance of which is hazardous to other items, postal facilities and equipment and vehicles or human lives and health;
2. Items prohibited by law;
3. Narcotics, except when the sender and receiver are legally authorized for purchasing and using narcotics.
In postal items no live animals can be transferred, except bees, leeches and silk worms.
The procedure to be followed in respect to the postal items found to contain some of the prohibited items listed above shall be governed by General Terms and Conditions.
For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar),
or send an e-mail to: kontaktcentar@posta