Proper addressing of postal forms

Payment order

Money order payment receipt

Telegraphic Money Order

Advice of posting (parcels)

Advice of posting with a dispatch note

Advice of receipt/delivery/payment/entry

Advice of posting

Letter addressing

Adressing of postal items

The sender shall address the postal item in the manner defined by provisions from the Regulations on General Conditions for provision of postal services.

Ordinary postal item may be addressed to several recipients but the recipients must have the same address.

The recipient’s address must be put on the right low address-side of item and parallel with its long side. In case of window envelopes, the address may be on right or left low part of the address side of the item. The address of the recipient is the only text to be visible through the transparent window of the envelope.

Recipient’s address may be stuck or fixed on the right low part of the address side of the item except on insured letter of over 100,00 BAM value. An address tag may be used for postal items which the recipient’s address is not possible to be written on. The address tag must be made of solid cardboard or some other corresponding material, of dimensions not smaller than 90 x 140 mm.

Proper way of writing of address

Data contained in the address should be written one below the other in following order:

  1. title, name, surname or the name of the recipient
  2. street, number, no. of entrance, floor, no. of flat, village, settlement, etc, PO box with No. or military post office No. MPO) or the „poste restante“ indication
  3. zip code and the name of the place (post office of destination). The name of the place should be written, as a rule, with capital letters
  4. the name or abbreviation of the name of the country for items in international postal operations

Unique ID No. of the company is allowed to be written below the name of the recipient.

There shouldn’t be any written or graphic sign below the recipient’s address.

Beside the name of the recipient being the subtenant, there should be the name of the landlord written on the envelope (ex. Sanja Marić with Damir Šeremet).

The recipient’s address should be written in Latin letters and Arabic numbers. Provided that the name of place and the country of destination are written in Latin letters, the postal items addressed abroad may be addressed in letters of the country of destination.

Address data must not be written with a pencil.

The sender shall, beside the recipient’s address, to write also his full address on: small parcel, recorded delivery item, registered item, insured letter, EMS item, parcel, postal and telegraphic money order. The sender shall write his address on all items posted through a contract and on items free of postage. Writing of recipient’s address on other items is not obligatory but is advisable.

Sender’s address should be written on upper left part of the address side of the item or on the back.

“Poste restante” items should contain name, surname, „poste restante“ indication, zip code and name of post office of destination.

Items addressed to PO Box should contain full name or name and surname of the user of the PO Box, number of PO Box, zip code and name of post office of destination.

Designated postal operator may refuse posting of an item not addressed in the way described in provisions of the article and the acts of Universal Postal Union, for postal items in international postal operations.

Indoor Post Office Advertising

The indoor post office advertising falls within the range of services provided by BH Postal Service, LLC. This is hardly a novelty on advertising market; however, BH Postal Service offers the best prices and the best marketing effect, guaranteeing the SUCCESS OF YOUR PRESENTATION.

Indoor post office advertising is a promotional service. The client delivers its advertising posters to JP BH Pošta d.o.o. Sarajevo. Following this, the posters are displayed in the post offices where the service user (client) wants to be advertised.

The indoor post office advertising service provides the business clients with a possibility to choose a specific post office, located on coverage territory of BH Postal Service Sarajevo.

These services include displaying business clients’ promotional materials in the interior space of post offices.

The promotional materials include bills, and posters featuring clients’ promotional messages.

The advantages of indoor post office advertising:

  • cost-effective and budget-priced way of promotion;
  • the post office client receives information and message while running one’s errands in the post office;
  • while making a telephone call or queuing up, everybody notices and reads the messages and promotional materials;
  • high frequency rate of users’ entries into post office; weak competition.

The features of advertising in the interior space of post offices are:

  • this mode of advertising is more cost-effective and cost-saving comparing to the prices of other media used for communication and promotion (TV, radio-stations, newspapers, billboards, city light posters or boards, etc);
  • fast distribution of promotional leaflets;
  • eservations in compliance with the arranged schedule and dynamics of deliveries;
  • the research findings indicate that several thousands of clients visit the post offices per day;
  • on average, it takes 10 minutes and more to a postal service user to complete his/her post-office related errands.

The users of indoor post office advertising service should be aware of the following:

  • the dimensions of posters i.e. formats of advertising frameworks A4 (210 x 297 mm) , A3 (297 x 420 mm) and B1 (700 x 1000 mm);
  • the posters and advertising materials are displayed on the phone boots, and in the most visible unoccupied space in the post office;
  • the advertising materials/framework is protected by anti reflection protective foils and aluminum frame;
  • the advertisements will be displayed as long as you want it;
  • option to choose the post office where you want to be advertised; 

For all additional information, please contact us at:

BH Postal Service/ „JP BH POŠTA“ d.o.o. SARAJEVO
Marketing Department
Obala Kulina bana 8, 71000 Sarajevo,
Tel. +387 (0)33 25 26 08 or
Fax. +387 (0)33 25 27 04

Hybrid Mail Services

The hybrid mail is a combination of traditional letter post services and electronic mail. The very adjective “hybrid” indicates it constitutes a combination of services. It integrates the state-of-the-art technologies and classic postal technology. The employment of IC technologies in the oldest postal service – transmission of post items and pieces of mail – has become inevitable.

The main concept of hybrid mail is that the company, institution or physical entity will send a piece of information (i.e. invoice, advertising message, etc) to a postal operator in electronic form. Following this, the given information or item, i.e. physical post will be processed, printed and packed in the envelope, and physically mailed, in the shortest period of time,  to the target group which the company, institution or physical entity attempts to contact.

The range of serviced provided within the hybrid mail service:

  • Development of pre-printed formats, and patterns in compliance with the requests of clients,
  • Reception of data required for printing,
  • Software preparation for printing, in line with the prepared data,
  • The printing of variable data on previously prepared patterns and formats, i.e. creation of final design and layout of the letter,
  • Enveloping the letter or arranging the letters in “Z-letter”,
  • Delivery of prepared post items for further processing and dispatch,
  • Delivery of post items to the target addresses.

The services of hybrid mail are used to produce:

  • invoices
  • warnings and admonitions
  • bank statements and
  • various forms of post items, pieces of mail and promotional announcements

How Does Hybrid Mail Function?

  • The sender or addresser send the data base from its PC (in the form of standard file format: txt, xls, dbf, etc.) via Internet (or stores it on data carriers: discs, CD, DVD, USB, etc). The received file contains the data required to deliver a service to a client or user (data on sender, text/image of the message, the address of the addressee, the number of copies, date when the post item is to be dispatched, etc)
  • Pursuant to the received file, the software data processing is performed and the data are prepared for printing.
  • In printing stage, the message assumes desired form (dimensions and positions of the text/image, letter font, etc).
  • At the end, the messages/letter is automatically enveloped, thus creating the post items that are to be delivered to target users.

For additional information, please contact us at:

BH Postal Service, LLC/„JP BH POŠTA“ d.o.o. SARAJEVO
Hybrid Mail Service,
Put života bb, 71000 Sarajevo,
Tel. +387 (0)33 72 34 40
Fax. +387 (0)33 72 34 44

Financial Services

[toc] Public Enterprise BH Postal Services, LLC (BH Pošta d.o.o.) Sarajevo, which, through 281 postal network units provides universal postal services, enables delivery of financial postal services.

Postal financial services ensure various forms of giro remittances, and cash remittances sent by physical and legal entities or ensure such funds to be sent to them.

The basic financial services include: financial transactionsdomestic payment transactionsbanking transactions and stock market transactions.

Financial Transactions

Through an encompassing network of postal units, BH Postal Service Sarajevo provides all its service users, physical and legal entities with a wide range of services within financial transactions.

Providing this service, BH Postal Service ensures fast and safe money transfer for all its clients, availability of the service throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, and simplicity when sending and receiving the money.

Postal Money Order Transactions

The postal money order transactions, being one of traditional services of BH Postal Service, enables all physical and legal entities to use postal money orders (PMOs) for sending the money to a physical entity, at any address in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The postal money order enables the sender, physical or legal entity to send the money to a recipient, physical, or legal entity, at any address in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sender can perform payment transaction in any post office, and the money will be delivered to the recipient at designated address, or eventually, after the Notice of Arrival or Certificate of Posting are left on the post office counter.

Payment of money orders containing “POSTE-RESTANTE” designation in the address will be performed in the Post Office.

Domestic Postal Money Order Transactions

The senders, wanting to send the money to a recipient, regardless to address where she/he resides in BiH, may perform the payment in any postal unit by filling in the Postal Money Order Form P15. The money will be transmitted to a recipient exclusively through postal network and delivered to her/him at designated address.

Maximum payment amount – BAM 1500, 00

The fee to be paid by the service user amounts to 3, 30 % of payment amount.

Due date (time of payment) – one to for days depending on whether the payment is performed within narrower, wider or the widest delivery area, within five to fifteen days if the payment is to be performed in the post office after the Notice of Arrival or Certificate of Posting are left there, and within thirty days, if the money order is addressed to “POSTE-RESTANTE”.

In send money faster to the recipient’s addresses, the service users are given an option to fill in telegraph or cable money order on P16 form.

Maximum payment amount – BAM 1500, 00

The fee to be paid by the service user amounts to 3, 30 % of payment amount. + fee for receipt and delivery of Notice of Arrival  + transfer of one word in notice.

International Postal Money Order Transactions

The users /recipients, regardless of being at the home address or at the post office counter, are enabled to receive payment originating from international money order transactions performed in the countries with which BH Postal Service has entered into bilateral agreement.

The agreements that are currently valid are those entered into with the general directorates of posts in: France, Croatia and Turkey.

Payment is to be performed through delivered International Postal Money Order (TFP1 From).

Maximum amount of money orders issued in:

  • France is EUR 3500, 00;
  • Croatia is EUR 1.500, 00;
  • Turkey is USD 1.000,00.

In order to receive payment through international postal money order, recipient is to pay postal charges amounting to BAM 1, 50.

Electronic money transfer
with postal administrations of Serbia and Montenegro

International postal money order is new service of money transfer established between BH Post and Post of Serbia as well as between BH Post and Montenegro Post, being provided since 08.03.2016.

Money transfer via international money order is fast, simple, available and safe method of money transfer.  Max. amount of money to be transferred by a postal money order with Serbia is 1500.00 EUR converted into BAM to the amount of 2933, 75 BAM, and with Montenegro it’s 1000.00 EUR converted into BAM to the amount of 1955, 83 BAM.

Money transfer in Bosnia and Herzegovina is made in BAMs and conversion is made on the basis of the current exchange rate.

Money transfer in Serbia is made in dinars and conversion is made on the basis of current exchange rate in the Post of Serbia.

Money transfer in Montenegro is made in EUR.

Payments and disbursements are made exclusively at the counters of the BH Post at 66 locations (enclosure: list of postal offices)

Disbursement may be done within half an hour (30 minutes) from the moment of payment.

A customer in a post office is supposed to fulfill the form containing sender’s and recipient’s personal name, surname and address as well as the amount of money to be transferred. During the takeover of the money, the recipient is obliged to indicate the control number of the money order, sender’s personal name and surname, state of origin and expected money expressed in EUR.

Payments – transmission of money is

– 3, 66 % of paid amount, min. 8 BAM, max. 50 BAM

Disbursements – receipt of money without charge for recipient

Post offices providing international postal money order service.

Pošte koje obavljaju međunarodni uputnički promet
R.B. Poštanski broj Naziv
1 70202 Vinac
2 70220 Donji Vakuf
3 70230 Bugojno
4 70240 Gornji Vakuf
5 71101 Sarajevo
6 71104 Sarajevo
7 71120 Sarajevo
8 71122 Sarajevo
9 71141 Sarajevo
10 71165 Sarajevo
11 71166 Sarajevo
12 71210 Ilidža
13 71212 Hrasnica
14 71218 Sokolović Kolonija
15 71240 Hadžići
16 71270 Fojnica
17 71300 Visoko
18 71320 Vogošća
19 71330 Vareš
20 71340 Olovo
21 71370 Breza
22 71380 Ilijaš
23 72101 Zenica
24 72102 Zenica
25 72220 Zavidovići
26 72240 Kakanj
27 72264 Kaćuni
28 72270 Travnik
29 72283 Turbe
30 72290 Novi Travnik
31 73101 Goražde
32 73250 Ustikolina
33 73290 Prača
34 74203 Matuzići
35 74207 Klokotnica
36 74250 Maglaj
37 74260 Tešanj
38 74264 Jelah
39 75101 Tuzla
40 75246 Čelić
41 75260 Kalesija
42 75270 Živinice
43 75280 Kladanj
44 75290 Banovići
45 75300 Lukavac
46 75320 Gračanica
47 75350 Srebrenik
48 75411 Sapna
49 75414 Teočak
50 76120 Brčko
51 76250 Gradačac
52 77101 Bihać
53 77220 Cazin
54 77230 Velika Kladuša
55 77240 Bosanska Krupa
56 77245 Bužim
57 77250 Bosanski Petrovac
58 79260 Sanski Most
59 79280 Ključ
60 88104 Mostar
61 88108 Mostar
62 88113 Vrapčići
63 88201 Blagaj
64 88208 Potoci
65 88400 Konjic
66 77231 Vrnograč
67 77206 Kulen Vakuf
68 79267 Lušci palanka
69 88420 Jablanica
70 77253 Krnjeuša
71 71108 Sarajevo
72 71124 Sarajevo
73 71140 Sarajevo
74 71167 Sarajevo
75 71215 Blažuj
76 77209 Pokoj
77 77225 T. Raštela
78 77226 Ćoralići
79 77244 Otoka
80 72251 Stari Vitez
81 88103 Mostar
82 88110 Mostar


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Domestic Payment Transactions

Cash Payments

In each post office, at the counters designated for money transactions, the clients are enabled to deposit cash on transaction accounts of legal entities through:

  1. a) Payment Order

The cash payments are performed through prescribed payment order form. When filling in this form, one must fill in the form and its fields clearly, neatly and legibly. The citizens can use the payment order to pay various obligations and liabilities, such as registration or enrolment fee, tuition fee, instalments, etc, as well as the payments related to public revenues, i.e. identity papers or personal documents, taxes and contributions, etc. Particularly when performing the payment related to public revenues, one must ensure that all the form fields are correctly filled in.

The fee to be paid by the user for receiving the cash payment amounts to:do 50,00 KM: naknada 1,00 KM;

Iznos uplate Provizija / po transakciji
 do    50,00 KM 1,00 KM
od     50,01 KM do     150,00 KM 1,50 KM
od   150,01 KM do     250,00 KM 2,00 KM
od   250,01 KM do     500,00 KM 3,00 KM
od   500,01 KM do   1000,00 KM 5,00 KM
preko                          1000,00 KM

0,5% od iznosa uplate;

max 15 KM

    Cash payments exceeding the amount of BAM 50, 00: fee amounts to 1% of payment amount, at maximum BAM 30, 00.
  1. b) Internal Payment Order

Through internal payment orders, the citizens are enabled to pay their household and utility bills, in any post office, and without charges, as follows:

  • Payment of bills for telecommunication services (telecom bills) delivered by BH Telecom, T3  and BlicNet

The citizens are enabled to pay these bills without paying the fee, owing to BH Postal Service that entered into contracts on collection of bills with the above mentioned legal entities – companies providing utility or municipal services to the citizens.

With regards to payment of other monthly bills, where no option to enter into contractual relation was given, the citizens pay the fee in compliance with the official Cash Payment Receipts Tariff.

Cash Payments/disbursements

The payment of regular monthly incomes of the clients is performed by Postal Service, pursuant to the contracts entered into.

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Banking Transactions

Banking transactions are performed by virtue of agreements entered into with the commercial banks.

Withdrawal of Cash from Card Accounts

The adhesive labels, visibly placed on POS terminals installed in the post offices, indicate the card types: Maestro, MasterCard, VISA cards. By using these cards one may withdraw cash from card account.

BH Postal Service charges no fee for cash withdrawal service to card owner.

The limits for cash withdrawal are set by the bank, being the card issuer.

Western Union

The customers can transfer, send to and receive the money from 230 destinations throughout the world. The transfers are performed quickly and reliably throughWestern Union system, on the counters in 176 post offices, in the shortest possible period, and within secure networks.

WU Sending and Receiving Money operations are performed by simple filling in the designated fields of the prescribed Send/Receive Money form, which the client can obtain at the post office counter.

Sending and Receiving Money is performed in the following currencies: BAM, EURO and USD.

When using Sending and Receiving Money service, in addition to the amount paid, the client is charged the transfer fee, i.e. fee for Western Union transaction, in compliance with the Western Union Tariffs, and depending on the currency in which the payment is made.

Transaction limits – maximum amount:

  • Residents BAM 10.000, 00;
  • Non-residents USD 10.000,00

Note: as of 19 January 2009, Western Union money transfers across BiH and to Croatiaand Serbia are executed at much lower fees (preferred fees) then prior to 2009.

When using Sending and Receiving Money service, the client is obliged to produce the valid identification document and Send/Receive Money Form, properly filled in. The payment is to be performed in currency designated by the sender.

Given that BH Postal Service entered into Sub-Agency Agreement with Raiffeisen bank d.d. BiH, already in 2002, the clients were provided with the possibility to use Western Union services.

The basic features of Western Union transfer are: super speed cash transfer – the money sent through Western Union is available for pick-up within minutes following its transfer to and from any destination; reliability and practicality – WU Agent Networks, located in post offices, banks, retail outlets, airports…


The payment, meaning, sending the money into abroad, to the address of client/user via Eurogiro system is performed at the post office counter, using internal postal form. The money can be transferred only into the countries that entered into agreement with Nova Banka, and provided that the defined money transfer limits are complied with, as follows:

  • Croatia: EUR 1.500,00 EUR, meaning BAM 2.933, 75;
  • Austria: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779, 15;
  • Germany: 1.500,00 EUR meaning BAM 2.933, 75;
  • Serbia: EUR 5.000,00, meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Slovenia: EUR 5.000,00, meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Italy: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Romania: EUR 550, 00 meaning BAM 1.075,70
  • Switzerland: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Australia: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Canada: EUR 5.000,00 EUR meaning BAM 9.779,15.

The payments are performed in BAM. Nova Banka converts BAM to EUR in compliance with the middle rate of exchange (median average) of CB BiH for EUR for foreign currency.

When performing the payment, service user, i.e. customer is charged with all expenses (OUR option – expenses to be born by the customer) of foreign bank of the client/recipient who is to receive the paid amount. The Postal Service is authorised to charge its expenses incurred in connection to money order transactions.

Sending/receiving money via Eurogiro system is carried out using internal postal form. Te Postal Service notifies the user of inflow of money from abroad and in the subsequent stage the payment is performed. The money can be transferred/received only from the foreign countries that entered into agreement with the Bank, and currently these countries are:

  • Croatia: EUR 1.500,00 EUR, meaning BAM 2.933, 75;
  • Austria: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779, 15;
  • Germany: 1.500,00 EUR meaning BAM 2.933, 75;
  • Serbia: EUR 5.000,00, meaning BAM 9.779,15
  • Slovenia: EUR 5.000,00, meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Italy: EUR 5.000,00 meaning BAM 9.779,15.
  • Romania: EUR 550, 00 meaning BAM 1.075,70
  • Canada: EUR 5.000,00 EUR meaning BAM 9.779,15.

Regardless to the original currency in which the payment was made, the payments to the recipient are made in BAM (Nova banka converts BAM to EUR in compliance with the middle rate of exchange (median average) of CB BiH for EUR for foreign currency.

The Postal Service charges fee for payment made on the counter, i.e. at the address of recipient.

The above mentioned payment services are made via Eurogiro Association that gathers  commercial banks and postal organisations in over 50 countries in the world,  aiming to establish international payment transactions and money order transactions between the members, at rates that are acceptable in terms of market.  This form of foreign payment transactions does not include promptness or urgency, because the payments are made after 48 hours, however, in terms of prices, it is an acceptable mode of payment.

BH Postal Service entered into Agreement on Performing Transactions via Eurogiro Network Transactions with Nova banka a.d. Bijeljina in 2006, thus enabling the clients to use these services.

Brokerage Services (stock market transactions)

BH Postal Service entered into agreement with KVANTUM Brokerage House Inc Sarajevo, thus providing its clients with services that include receipt of order to purchase or sell securities on behalf and for the account of professional dealer outside the premises of professional dealer.

The brokerage fee for transactions in securities performed out of stock market or other regulated (operations regarding transfer of ownership of securities and shares) are charged in line with the official pricelist of brokerage house.

The designated reception points in the post offices are equipped with the signboard of brokerage house, featuring information that this is the point where the orders are received; however, these are not the business premises of professional dealer. These points are also equipped with other advertising materials and signs.


For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar),
or send an e-mail to:

Parcel service

Parcel service includes acceptance, conveyance and delivery of parcels addressed to a certain addressee.

Parcel service, being one of the services offered by ”JP BH POŠTA“ d.o.o. Sarajevo, is intended for citizens and legal entities who wish to realize secure and high-quality sending of their goods and other various items to addressees within country and worldwide.

Below you can find more details on:

Parcel types

All parcels in domestic postal services have to be marked with the parcel value. Based on the value of the content of a parcel, a parcel is considered a plain parcel or o registered value parcel.

As for a plain parcel, with a marked value up to 100 KM, a sender is to mark a value of a parcel in the form which is to be submitted with the parcel at a post office for conveyance.

The value marked must not be greater than the actual value of the content of the parcel.

Parcels valued above 100 KM are considered to be value parcels. Value parcels, as well as the form accompanying the parcel, must also be marked with the parcel value by the sender.

As for the international postal services, parcels can be accepted only for countries which allow international parcel service, with the maximum value limit adopted by those countries.

Parcel is a closed postal item, weight up to 31.50 kg, which can contain goods and other items. The sender receives a parcel receipt confirmation and upon the parcel delivery, the receiver’s signature has to be obtained in order to provide evidence of the delivery and receipt of the parcel.

National parcel size may not be exceed 3000 mm in the sum of its length and circumference at its widest point diagonally while maximum size may not exceed 1500 mm. Parcel cannot be smaller than the smallest prescribed letter size. The address side of a parcel cannot be less than 90 x 140 mm.

Apart from sender and receiver addresses specified, the address side of a parcel needs to have an appropriate sticker with the name of the post office which received the parcel and the postal item number. If the sticker does not contain the name of the post office the stamp of the receiving post will be impressed on the sticker. The parcel weight in kilograms and grams is inscribed on the parcel with each 10-gram portion rounded up to the nearest higher value.

Parcels must have marked values in national postal services. Parcel content values must be marked with the number and words in the bottom left corner of the address side. The value marked must be the actual value or reflect the importance of the parcel’s content to the sender, which is subject to sender’s signature on the statement on a parcel receipt confirmation.

Maximum marked value of a parcel can be up to 10.000 KM. ”JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo reserves the right to decide whether to decrease or increase the marked value of a parcel. In the international traffic a parcel can be both with or without a value marked.

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Acceptance of parcel postal items

Acceptance of parcel postal items means taking over of a parcel from a postal service user at a post office or at a sender’s address if so agreed.

The following rules apply when accepting a parcel item:

  • If a parcel postal item in national postal traffic contains items whose acceptance at a post office requires an approval or a certificate issued by a competent state authority, institution or organization, a sender in that case must hand in such an approval along with the postal item;
  • Universal Postal Union customs and foreign exchange statutes and regulations shall apply to the international postal items whose dispatch is subject to customs and foreign exchange inspection. International mail items whose content is subject to customs or foreign exchange control must be handed in open along with the required forms (CN 72).

National parcel item containing live animals, fragile items, liquids, soluble stuff, parts of animal or human bodies, urns with ashes, sensitive devices,  contagious stuff etc.  must be submitted as separate – fragile parcel.

A parcel containing live animals or perishable items must be submitted as a very urgent parcel.

Terms and conditions for international parcel items are governed by the rules of Universal Postal Union.

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Term and standards of transportations and delivery of Parcels

The deadlines and the standards of transportation and delivery of parcels mean the time the postal item is submitted at a post office to be delivered to an addressee until the actual delivery. Time of a parcel acceptance is indicated on the stamp affixed to the parcel receipt confirmation or to the parcel itself if no confirmation is being issued.

Terms of transportation and delivery have been defined for parcels in domestic postal operation system while the standards of transportation and delivery have been defined for parcels in international postal operation system.

Domestic postal operation system

“JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo is obligated to deliver parcel items in the following terms:

Parcel items submitted to be delivered to an addressee in the area of the same postal centre ( Canton):

– One workday for priority items;

– Three workdays for all other postal items;

parcel items submitted  in the area of one postal centre (Canton) to be delivered in the area of another postal centre (Canton) or another postal operator (HP Mostar i PS Banja Luka):

– Two working days for priority postal items;

– Four days for all other postal items;

International postal operation system

The standards of transportation and delivery of parcels (pdf) in international postal operation system represent framework transportation time, not the warrented one. The JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo is not obliged  to deliver the parcels in international postal operation system according to the standards.

The following shall be excluded from the terms mentioned above:

– Day on which a postal item is submitted;

– Delays due to the incorrect or incomplete address of the addressee;

– Delays due to force majeure or a blocked traffic for which postal operator bears no responsibility;

– Days off and days when delivery is not provided;

– Duration time of customs procedure in the country of destination

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Prohibited items

It is forbidden to dispatch parcels containing the following items:

1. Explosive and flammable items and items the acceptance of which is hazardous to other items, postal facilities and equipment and vehicles or human lives and health;

2. Items prohibited by law;

3. Narcotics, except when the sender and receiver are legally authorized for purchasing and using narcotics.

In postal items no live animals can be transferred, except bees, leeches and silk worms.

The procedure to be followed in respect to the postal items found to contain some of the prohibited items listed above shall be governed by General Terms and Conditions.


For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar),
or send an e-mail to: kontaktcentar@posta

Letter Post Services

Letter post services are core postal services entailing services of acceptance, conveyance and delivery of letters, postcards, printed matter, cecogrammes and small parcels and these services comprise prevalent part of entire postal services provided by the BH Postal Service.

When sending letter post items (letters, postcards, printed matter, cecogrammes and small parcels), a sender may request special and supplementary services.

Letter post items can be sent as regular mail or booked shipment.

Regular post item is an item submitted directly in the post office for which a sender is not issued a certificate of posting and which is delivered to the addressee without a confirmation of delivery.

In case of booked shipment, the Postal Service keeps a record of acceptance and delivery, and the sender is issued a certificate of posting, i.e. the addressee is required to confirm delivery of the item.

For more information please see the following:

Types of Letter Post items

In domestic and international postal services, letter post items include: letterspostcardsprinted mattercecogrammes and small parcels.


Letter is a mail item containing a written communication in a closed envelope without a value noted, a well as any other item which in regard to its size and weight meets the appropriate requirements, although it does not contain written communication. Utility and other bills, financial statements and reports addressed to a certain addressee are also considered letters.

Size and Weight of Letter Post Items

A letter can weight up to 2 kg. Smallest dimensions of the letter are 90×140 mm, i.e. the sum of the length, width and height cannot exceed 900 mm, provided that none of the three values individually exceeds 600 mm.

The letter may be cylinder shaped where a sum of length and two diameters is minimum 170 mm, and the length of a letter cannot be less than 100 mm. The sum of length and two diameters of a cylinder shaped letter may not exceed 1040 mm, where the length only may not exceed 900 mm.

Standard letter is a letter in a closed monochrome envelope of rectangular shape weighting up to 20 g, thick up to 5 mm. Its length may not be shorter than its width multiplied by 1.4, smallest dimensions of standard letter being 90×140 mm and the maximum dimensions 120 x 235 mm.

Standard letter is also a letter in an envelope with transparent window, which in addition to the above, also has to meet the following requirements:

  • Transparent window has to be positioned at least 40 mm from the upper edge of the envelope, 15 mm from the right-side edge or 14 mm from the left-side edge, depending on which side the transparent part is, and 15 mm from the lower edge (permitted tolerance up to 2 mm).
  • A transparent window may not be bordered by a ribbon or framed by coloured boundaries and has to enable for easy reading of the addressee’s address.

Right side rectangular area on the standard letter of 40 mm high, measuring from the upper edge, by 74 mm wide, measuring from the right edge, is to be used for indication of postage paid.


Postcard is a mail item made of cardboard or firm paper of rectangular shape mailed without envelope. Smallest size of postcards is 90 x 140 mm and largest one is 120 x 235 mm, with tolerance of up to 2 mm.

Postcards also include all kinds of postcards and greeting cards meeting requirements stipulated by the Rulebook on General Requirements for Provision of Postal Services issued by the BH Postal Service as its own postal securities, which have to have imprinted “DOPISNICA – CARTE POSTALE” on the front side heading.


Printed matter is an open item that does not have features of personal or business correspondence and it is printed in multiple identical copies on paper, cardboard or other material. The printed matter is also an item containing books and print media outlets. Printed matter can weigh up to 2 kg and size of the printed matter corresponds to the size of letters. Exceptionally, printed matter can weight up to 5 kg, if it contains undividable material or constitutes a single item.

Printed matter mailed without specified addressee is considered to be unaddressed printed matter and it does not have to be in envelope. Terms and conditions of delivery of unaddressed printed matter are regulated by agreement between sender and postal operator.

In international postal services, large quantities of printed matter sent by a sender to the same addressee can be packed in one or more special bags (“M” bags). Each individual “M” bag may weight up to 30 kg.


Cecogramme is an open item containing a letter intended for the blind and sight impaired imprinted on a firm paper or similar material. Cecogramme is also a cliche with cecography signs and sound recordings or special paper intended for blind or persons with sight impairment. Cecogramme can weigh up to 7 kg. In top right corner of the address side the sender is to put a mark “SEKOGRAM” (“CECOGRAMME”) or prescribed sticker.


Parcel is an addressed postal item containing goods and other items. The small parcel may contain any document of current and personal correspondence provided it is addressed to the same addressee as parcel and posted by the same sender as the one specified on the parcel.

In the top left corner of the address side, a sender is to put a designation “MALI PAKET” (“PETIT PAQUET”) and his/her address.

Small parcel may weight up to 2 kg.

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Posting Letter Post Items

Posting of Letter Post Items implies acceptance of letter post items submitted by senders in the post office, at sender’s address, in postboxes, collective postboxes or via postman in remote areas.

The following regulations apply for letter post items:

  • For letter post items in domestic postal services containing items requiring approval or certification by responsible state authorities, authorised institution or organisation, a sender is obliged to submit such an approval together with the posted item.
  • For letter post items in international postal services whose contents is subject to customs and currency control, customs and currency regulations and regulations of the Universal Postal Union will apply. Letter post items in international postal services whose contents is subject to customs examination and currency control can be mailed only as registered mail, insured mail, parcel or EMS mail.

In domestic postal services, letter post item containing live animals can be submitted as parcel or EMS. Exceptionally, letter post items (registered and insured mail) may contain bees, leeches or silkworms. The same regulations apply for international postal services, except for the insured postal item which may not contain live animals. Post items containing live animals have to be sent as urgent mail or EMS.

As a matter of rule, all letter post items in both domestic and international postal services are submitted in post offices. Regular letter items can be submitted also via postboxes, collective postboxes or postman in the remote areas.

In remote areas, in addition to the letter post items above, it is also possible to submit all letter items weighting up to 1 kg of value up to 100.00 KM to the postman, except for the telegram andEMS.

Obrazac CN 22

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Dedlines and standards of transportation and delivery of Letter Post Items

The deadline and the standard of transportation and delivery of of postal items means the time period from the time when the item is posted until the actual delivery to addressee. The time of posting is stamped on a Certificate of Posting, i.e. on the postal item when no Certificate of Posting is issued to the sender.

Deadlines of transportation and delivery have been defined for letter-post items in domestic postal operation system while the the standards of transportation and delivery for letter-post items have been defined in international postal operation system.

Domestic postal operations

BH Postal Service is obliged to obey the following terms of delivery:

Letter post items submitted and delivered in the same postal centre ( Canton), within:

– one day for priority and urgent items;

– three days for other items.

Letter post items submitted on the area of one postal centre (Canton) to be delivered on the area of another postal centre (Canton) or another postal operator (HP Mostar and PS Banja Luka):

– two days for priority items;

– four days for all other items.

International postal operations

Standards of transportation and delivery of letter-post items (pdf) in international postal operation system represent framework transportation time instead of the warranted time of transporation. The JP BH POŠTA” d.o.o. Sarajevo is not obliged to deliver the letter-post items in international postal operations according to the standards.

Term of delivery does not include:

– day when postal item is submitted;

– period of delay due to incorrect and incomplete address of the addressee;

– period of delay due to Force Majeure or halt in the traffic not caused by postal operator;

– days off and days when postal services are not provided.

– duration time of customs procedure in the country of destination.

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Prohibited Items

Considering that BH Postal Service delivers postal items within Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad and that it has no insight into the contents of the mailed items, it is of key importance to inform all senders on prohibited items or the items that can be mailed only under certain conditions, in order to make sure senders are protected from potential damages caused by the contents of the postal items, i.e. to protect interests of the country when it comes to posting items internationally.

Posting of the postal items containing following items or matters is prohibited:

  • Objects or matters which, by their nature or package, may have harmful effect on regular performance of postal services by representing a threat (in terms of pollution, damage or threat to life) for employees of postal service, postal transportation means and postal equipment or other postal items;
  • Explosive and easily flammable objects or objects that may harm other postal items, post offices and equipment, transportation means or be harmful for health and life of people (gunpowder, gasoline, petroleum, strong acids);
  • Legally prohibited substances (opium, morphine, cocaine and other drugs) unless exchanged by legally authorised institutions (hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and health institutions), or provided for medicinal and scientific purposes in international services between countries, which accept them under these conditions;
  • Objects prohibited for trade in domestic postal services (forbidden publications) and items prohibited to be imported through international postal services in accordance with the laws of recipient country;
  • Live animals in letter post items, except for bees, leeches and silkworms. Mailing of live animals in international services is allowed only for the countries that permit such traffic in their domestic services as well;
  • Immoral contents.

Post items may not contain live animals, except for bees, beeches and silkworms. In case there is a justified suspicion that the post item contains some of the prohibited items above, the postal operator in charge may have a commission check contents of the mail.

Further procedure for handling postal items containing some of the items specified above is governed by the Rulebook on General Requirements for Provision of Postal Services.

For additional information, please call 1312 (our Contact centar),
or send an e-mail to: kontaktcentar@posta

Other Services

Other services include special postal services, supplementary postal services and other postal services required by a sender or by a recipient and defined by General Conditions for provision of postal services.

Special Postal Services

Special postal services are services necessary in case that the sender requires special procedure and conditions regarding the posting, conveyance and delivery of postal items. Special postal services are universal special services defined by the Law on Postal Operations of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other special services performed by designated postal operators according to these Regulations and the Regulations on Postal and Courier Services. Special postal services are the services of posting, conveyance and delivery as follows:

  1. Registered letter-post item 
    is postal item without insured value, with registered receipt number for which the sender will get a receipt and which will be delivered to the addressee with his signature. Each letter-post item may be posted as a registered mail according to conditions and methods described by the Regulations on General Conditions for Provision of Postal Services and according to the Regulations on Postal and Courier Services. During the posting, the sender of the registered item may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery, COD, „poste restante“ and delivery to addressee in person.
  2. Insured letter 
    is a letter-post item with registered receipt No. on which the sender marked its value using numbers and letters in the left bottom corner side of the addressee side of the item. The sender shall enter the amount of insured value using Latin alphabet and Arabic numbers but shall not use a lead pencil. Insured letter may contain goods, money, written communication and other articles not exceeding the amount of 10.000,00 BAM of insured value. Insured letter may be posted only if addressed to countries accepting this sort of service. During the posting procedure for insured letter, the sender may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery, COD, „poste restante“ and delivery to addressee in person.
  3. Recorded delivery item 
    is a letter-post item without insured value for which the sender shall receive an advice of posting and that shall be delivered to the recipient with his signature. Recorded delivery item must have mark „A“ and a posting number on it. During the posting procedure, the sender may require the following services: urgent, airmail, with advice of delivery and delivery to addressee in person.
  4. Express Mail Service (EMS) 
    is courier service including taking over of a postal item on the basis of a special request made by the sender (phone calling 1417 in the following cities: Sarajevo, Tuzla, Zenica, Bihać, Mostar, Travnik and Goražde) at the address of the sender and delivery at the address of the recipient. The posting of EMS items in other cities is performed at counters of postal units. During the posting procedure in case of EMS item, the sender shall receive an advice of posting to be delivered in person to the recipient, within a specified period, with his signature. EMS item may contain written communication, goods, money, live animals and other articles. The insured value on EMS item must not exceed the amount of 10.000,00 BAM.
  5. Urgent item 
    may be posted as any letter-post item, postal money order, telegraph money order and parcel. In case of postal items containing perishable goods, they must be posted as an urgent item.
  6. Very urgent parcel 
    is the parcel forwarded to the post office of destination by the first next postal operation connection according to provisions on the postal item pipeline. Regardless of the type of parcel and its content, every parcel may be posted as a very urgent parcel. The parcel containing live animals or perishable goods must be posted as a very urgent parcel.
  7. Item with advice on delivery 
    is the postal item requested by the sender, during the posting procedure, to be delivered to the recipient with written confirmation on a special form (advice on delivery), returned and delivered to the sender as an ordinary letter-post item. Every postal item accompanied by the advice on posting, except a telegraph money order, may be posted in domestic postal operations.
  8. COD item
    is a postal item which the sender, during the posting procedure, requires to be delivered to the recipient with previous payment of redemption amount in favor of the sender. While posting the COD item, the sender shall also post the fulfilled form of postal or telegraphic money order or a corresponding form of money transfer by which he shall be assigned the redemption amount to. Registered items, insured letters, EMS items and parcels may be posted as COD items, in domestic services.
  9. Airmail
    is postal item required by the sender to be posted by airplane. In international postal operations, airmail may be posted when addressed to countries accepting this type of service. .
  10. Special care parcel 
    is the parcel with corresponding mark on it: „fragile“, „glass“, „live animals“, etc. This parcel needs an authorization from authorized institution or it contains live animals needing special care while handed.
  11. „Poste restante“ item 
    „Poste restante“ item is the item containing mark „poste restante“ in the recipient’s address and is kept 30 days from the date of arrival in the post office of destination and is delivered to the recipient when requested by him within the mentioned period, with collection of prescribed postage amount.
  12. Item to be delivered to the recipient in person 
    is the item to be delivered in person exclusively to the recipient, legal agent or authorized person.
  13. IBRS (International Business Reply Service) item (IBRS/CCRI)
    is the item (letter or postcard) without postage paid by the sender. The postage should be paid by the recipient during the take-over.

The sender requiring one or more special services is obliged to ask for them while posting.

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Value-added postal services

Value-added and other postal services are services provided upon the sender’s or recipient’s request and they refer to posting or delivery of a postal item.

Value-added services upon the sender’s request

The sender may, upon posting and before delivery, require the following services in domestic postal operations:

  1. Amendment of the address on the item;
  2. Return of item:
    – before dispatch from the post office where posting was performed,
    – after dispatch from the post office where posting was performed
  3. Charging of recorded items by COD amount, increase or decrease of COD amount or waiver from the COD amount;
  4. Sending or prohibition of sending of parcels to new recipient’s address of origin
  5. Return of the amount of postal and telegraphic money order;
  6. Payment of COD amount through a telegraphic money order.

Request for value-added services may be made by the sender to any post office, in written form and with paid postage defined by the Price list. The request may also be made verbally but exceptionally and only in case of item not dispatched yet from the post office. While making the request, the sender may ask for a written notice on the result of the request performance.

Value-added postal services upon the request of the recipient

The recipient may ask for the following services, before the delivery:

  1. delivery of “poste-restante” items at his door or at the address he had defined
  2.  keeping of the arrived item (except the court letter and administrative procedure letter) or saved as a “poste- restante” item or sending it to the new address defined by the sender
  3. Delivery of item personally to the recipient
  4. Putting of urgent mail or advice of arrival of urgent mail into a PO box
  5. Putting a registered mail and a recorded delivery item into a locker without o recipient’s signature for confirmation of receipt of item. This kind of service is performed in domestic operations only, but not for COD items, items with advice of delivery and items to be delivered personally to the recipient.
  6. Delivery of each or certain item as an urgent one at urban delivery area
  7. Telegraphic money orders sent to new destination
  8. Re-delivery of a postal item for which the advice of arrival had been left.
  9. The recipient may ask for value-added services in the form of written request in the post office delivering the postal items to him. While making the request, the recipient is obliged to verify his identity and to give all the data necessary for the request.

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Other postal services

Other postal services are services performed by the postal operators upon the request or without the request made by the sender or the recipient regarding the conveyance and delivery of postal items.

Other services are:

  1. claim for postal items,
  2. issue of supplementary advice of posting of recorded postal item,
  3. keeping of written authorizations
  4. usage of PO boxes
  5. submission of paid money order or issue of its duplicate
  6. repackaging of parcels
  7. storage charge for postal items
  8. delivery and attempt of delivery of parcels
  9. submission of postal items for customs inspection at import and export
  10. submission of postal items for stamping or control to be made by an authorized body
  11. instructing of the recipient or the sender to submit necessary documents for customs inspection
  12. posting of direct mail
  13. Customers of postal services are obliged to select the service corresponding the nature of the item content, type, and real value of the postal item as well as of significance of notice. Integrity of confidentiality is ensured for all postal items in postal operations. The principle of integrity may be receded from only in cases and under conditions defined by the law.


Postal Financial Services

Designated postal operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina may provide postal financial services through their postal net units.

Postal financial services provide different forms of gyro transfers and cash transfers sent or received by physical and legal entities. Based on cash turnover, the BH Post provides the customers the following financial services:

– postal money order operations

– payments

– banking service

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